A one-week training session is going to take place from September 30th to October 5th, 2019 at Fundacio Trinijove site in Barcelona (Spain).
The objective of the training is to provide the teachers involved in the project with the theoretical, methodological and operative tools and information needed to plan and to carry out the project activities with their students. The training is strongly oriented towards a cooperative approach, where all partners are called to share ideas and expertise. Through a series of group-work sessions coordinated by University of Milano-Bicocca, it is expected that all partners bring about know-how and ideas and to contribute actively to the final result.
The training sessions will cover the following topics:
- use of the learning management system that will host the “game”;
- use of the app “Stellarium”;
- intercultural sensitivity – a workshop carried out by an expert from Università Bicocca;
- main ICT tools and strategies aimed to support the students’ realization of digital artifacts (such as creation of games, storytelling, video telling, paints and infographics, “cool presentations”, etc.);
- strategies of collaborative learning mediated by ICT.
At the end of the training each team of participants is expected to have defined a plan of activities for the months to come.